Thursday, April 23, 2020

Something Good Is Going To Come Out Of This Covid-19

Something Good Is Going To Come Out Of This Covid-19

     What in the world is going on? Never in my lifetime have I ever experienced anything like
Covid-19. I'm a baby boomer and I don't think anyone in my generation has seen anything like this.
The whole world came to a stand still due to this insidious virus that attacks the respiratory system and causes pneumonia and possibly death. The number of those stricken by this disease is staggering. People are forced to live life in a new normal that isn't so normal. We must wear masks and gloves when we leave our homes, and wash and sanitize our hands constantly. We are told to observe social distancing and stay at least six feet away from others.  We have been told to stay inside unless we really have something important to do like get groceries or go to the doctor's office. Many of us are forced to stay home and cannot work or earn income.

     My wife and I had a new grandson Nathaniel born six weeks ago and today was the first time we saw him in person since the day he was born. We've been disciplined by not even trying to go and see our grandchildren because we do not want to infect them in case we might have the coronavirus ourselves.  People are walking around asymptomatic which means that you can have the virus, but not have any of the symptoms.  Many people have passed including a couple of brothers from my church. In fact, every time I go on Facebook someone is asking for you to pray for a loved one or friend who has died.

     What good has come out of this? Well people are forced to be at home with their families. Parents are home from work and children are home from school. People are eating at home more which is probably much healthier. My wife and I haven't eaten this much at home since we've been married. Event performers like myself have had most of our shows cancelled which has severely impacted our income. This virus has forced us to become more creative by doing virtual comedy shows online via the Zoom platform. It seems to be the new thing. I've also been doing more live streams on Facebook and sharing it to YouTube to create a bigger audience. I've been needing to this, but I must say that I've been complacent. So lately I find myself being quite busy although I'm quarantined at home. I've been working our Karatbars gold business and writing and creating live streams and skit ideas for my characters, Woody, Uncle Rufus, and Aunt Tee. I've even been selling DVDs online to earn extra income. So where there is a will there is a way. God is still in control. All things work for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  

     We will get through this and people will learn to love one another even more. Perhaps we will develop a greater fear of God and begin to do His will. As I said earlier, something good is going to come out of this season of Covid-19.

Don't forget to order our special Comedy DVD Pack. We are offering two DVDs for the price of one. Cashapp $25 to $williebwoody. Send your name, address, email address, and phone number to and we will get your order to you right away.  Thank you.